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The Planning Commission (PC) reviews, discusses, hears public comments, and makes formal recommendations to the Board of Supervisors (BOS) on various matters regarding planning and zoning. The Planning Division of the Department of Planning, Zoning, and Environmental Programs serves as staff to the PC. The Planning Commission carries out the following duties:

1. Review of applications for Rezonings and Conditional Use Permits and recommends approval or denial of these applications to the Board who makes the final decision.
2. Review of other items, such as code amendments (to the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances), the Comprehensive Plan,  and sub-area plans, which are prepared by Planning and Zoning staff, and recommends approval or denial on these items to the Board who makes the final decision.
3. Review of Preliminary Subdivision Plats for consistency with the Subdivision Ordinance’s requirements.
4. In accordance with state code, the Commission is responsible for preparation of the County’s Capital Improvements Plan annually, which is adopted by the Board of Supervisors as part of adoption of the County’s annual budget.


Board Information

1st Thursday of the month (unless otherwise noted on posted meeting calendar)
6:30 p.m. 
Colonial Courthouse (unless otherwise noted on posted meeting calendar) 6504 Main Street, Gloucester, VA 23061

The Planning Commission consists of 7 members, with 1 member from each magisterial district and 2 At-Large representatives. Each member must be a resident of Gloucester County and at least half of the membership must be property owners. Each Commissioner is appointed by the Board of Supervisors, serves a 4-year term, and may be reappointed by the Board. Any vacancy in membership is filled by Board of Supervisors appointment only for the remainder of the unexpired term. The Planning Commission also contains 1 representative from the Board of Supervisors who serves in a non-voting capacity.  

Agendas and other materials for Planning Commission meetings are typically available a week prior to the date of the meeting and can be accessed on the County’s Meeting Portal website. Minutes for previous Planning Commission meetings (also posted on the Meeting Portal website) are available following approval by the PC.

Contact the Planning Division staff at 804-693-1224 or PlanningStaff@gloucesterva.info for more information.

Email the Planning Commission at PlanningCommission@gloucesterva.info


For details on the fees for applications reviewed by the Planning Commission, see the department’s Fees webpage.

Agendas, Meeting Materials & MInutes

Agendas and other materials for Planning Commission meetings are typically available a week prior to the date of the meeting and can be accessed on the County’s Meeting Portal website. Minutes for previous Planning Commission meetings (also posted on the Meeting Portal website) are available following approval by the PC.

Citizen Comment Submission Form

Zoning Ordinance Update
